4. System Requirements and Software Installation

Installing Wansight will not generate any negative side effects on the network’s performance. Full installation and configuration may take less than an hour.

The software runs exclusively on Linux platforms. To install and configure the software you need basic Linux operation skills and at least medium computer networking skills. If you encounter software installation issues or if you have questions about the system requirements listed below, please contact support@andrisoft.com.

4.1. System Requirements

Wansight 8.0 can be installed on the following 64-bit Linux distributions: CentOS 7 or 8 (free, Red Hat-based), Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 or 8 (commercial), Debian Linux 7 to 10 (free, community-supported), Ubuntu Server 14 to 20 (free, Debian-based).

Wansight was designed to be completely scalable, so it can be installed either on a single server with adequate hardware resources or on multiple servers distributed across the network.

It is highly recommended to install the software on dedicated servers and not on Virtual Machines, mainly because:

➢ Having fast and uninterrupted access to the hard disk is a critical requirement of the Console
➢ The resources must be provisioned in a predictable and timely manner
➢ Some virtualized environments do not have a stable-enough clock source

4.1.1. Importance of Hardware Resources

CPU Speed

CPU Cores

RAM Size

Disk Size

Disk Speed

Network Adapter





Very High

Very High

Very Low

Packet Sensor

Very High





Very High

Flow Sensor






Very Low

SNMP Sensor

Very Low


Very Low

Very Low

Very Low

Very Low

Sensor Cluster




Very Low

Very Low

Very Low

4.1.2. Minimum System Requirements for Console


10+ components (Sensors, Filters, BGP Connectors)


64-bit x86


1x 2.4 GHz quad-core Xeon


1 x 8 GB


1 x Fast Ethernet for management


2 x 7200 RPM HDD (SSD highly recommended), RAID 1, 350 GB

The Console server stores the database and centralizes all operational logs, graphs and IP accounting data. Its performance is determined by its configuration, the performance of the I/O and the performance of the applications it relies on: MySQL/MariaDB, Apache HTTPD and PHP.

To access the web interface, use one of the following web browsers: Google Chrome 64+, Firefox 52+, Microsoft Edge 12+, Opera 43+. JavaScript and cookies must be enabled. Java and Adobe Flash are not required. For the contextual help you may need to install Adobe PDF Reader.

For the best experience, we recommend using Google Chrome and a 1280x1024 or higher resolution display.

4.1.3. Minimum System Requirements for Packet Sensor


10 Gbit/s, 14 Mpkts/s (wire rate)

40 Gbit/s, ±30 Mpkts/s


Intel Xeon 64-bit, dedicated server

Intel Xeon 64-bit, dedicated server


1x 2.4 GHz Xeon E5-2640v4

1 x 2.4 GHz Xeon E5-2680v4


4 x 2 GB DDR4 (quad channel)

4 x 8 GB DDR4 (quad channel)


1 x 10 GbE adapter (Intel 82599+ or PF_RING/DPDK-supported chipset)

1 x Fast Ethernet for management

1 x 40 GbE adapter (Intel XL710+ or most DPDK-supported chipsets)

1 x Fast Ethernet for management


2 x 5400 HDD, RAID 1, 10 GB (including OS)

2 x 5400 HDD, RAID 1, 10 GB (including OS)

Packet Sensor can run load-balanced over multiple CPU cores with the following hardware/Capture Engines:

➢ Intel 82599 chipset network adapters, such as Intel X520, Intel X540, HP X560 or Silicom PE310G4DBi9-T
➢ PF_RING (with or without ZC) high-speed packet I/O framework
➢ Netmap high-speed packet I/O framework and its supported NICs
➢ Data Plane Development Kit (DPDK) and most of its supported NICs

You can easily scale the Packet Sensor’s capacity above 100 Gbit/s by enabling packet sampling on the switch or TAP, or by defining a Sensor Cluster that aggregates multiple Packet Sensor instances running on different servers equipped with 10, 40 or 100 Gbit/s network adapters.

4.1.4. Minimum System Requirements for Flow Sensor


15000+ flows/s


64-bit x86


1 x 2.0 GHz dual-core Xeon


1 x 8 GB


1 x Fast Ethernet for management


2 x 7200 RPM HDD, RAID 1, 60 GB

Flow Sensor can monitor an almost unlimited number of interfaces. On modern hardware, the processing of tens of thousands of flows/s is also not a problem. Each Flow Sensor can handle the flows of a single flow exporter. Any server with enough RAM can run tens of Flow Sensor instances. For this type of Sensor, the amount of RAM is much more important than the speed of the CPU.

Flow Sensor can store flow data on the local disk in a highly compressed binary format.

4.1.5. Minimum System Requirements for SNMP Sensor


20+ devices


64-bit x86


1 x 1.6 GHz dual-core Xeon


1 x 1 GB


1 x Fast Ethernet for management


2 x 5200 RPM HDD, RAID 1, 20 GB

Each SNMP Sensor can monitor a single device with an unlimited number of interfaces. Any server can run an almost unlimited number of SNMP Sensor instances.

4.1.6. Minimum System Requirements for Sensor Cluster

The hardware requirements for Sensor Cluster are very low because the traffic information is pre-aggregated by the associated Flow Sensor, Packet Sensor or SNMP Sensor instances. It is best to run it on the Console server.

4.2. Software Installation

The download link is listed in the email with the trial license key. The latest software installation instructions are listed on www.andrisoft.com.

Each trial license key activates all features for 30 days. You can install the trial license key on any number of servers. To switch to a full, registered version, apply a license key purchased from the online store.

4.3. Opening the Console

Wansight Console provides a web interface and centralized system through which you can control and monitor all the other components. If you have correctly followed the installation instructions, from now on you will only need to log in to Console to manage and monitor servers and software components. SSH access will be needed for updating the software.

Open the Console at http://<console_hostname>/wansight. If the page cannot be displayed, make sure that the Apache web server is running and the firewall does not block incoming traffic on port 80 or 443. You can also access it securely via HTTPS if the Apache web server was configured to serve pages over SSL/TLS.

If you have not licensed the software, you will be asked to do so. Upload the trial.key file emailed to you by clicking the key icon. The license key contains encrypted information about the licensed capabilities of the software. You can replace the license key in Configuration » General Settings » License Manager.

Log in to the Console using the default username/password combination: admin/changeme.

If the Console is installed on a public server, you should immediately change the default password of the “admin” account. To do so, click the Admin menu at the top-right corner of the browser window and select [Change Password]. From the same menu you can change the Console layout and theme.

To understand how to navigate within the Console, read the Basic Concepts of Wansight Console chapter.

4.4. Licensing Procedure

When the trial period is over you will have to purchase as many Sensor and Filter licenses, in form of annual subscriptions, as the number of Sensors and Filters configured and enabled in Configuration » Components.

➢ You will have to purchase as many Sensor licenses as the number of flow exporters (usually border or edge routers) monitored by Flow Sensors. There is no limit on the number of interfaces a Flow Sensor can monitor.
➢ You will have to purchase as many Sensor licenses as the number of interfaces (ports) listened by Packet Sensors. Multiple Packet Sensors listening to the same interface (e.g. when using a multi-queue NIC) use a single Sensor license. Packet Sensor can monitor an unlimited number of IPs/domains
➢ You can mix Wanguard Sensor licenses together with Wansight Sensor licenses
➢ Sensor Cluster does not require licensing
➢ Console does not require licensing

You can distribute the licensed Sensors and Filters on any number of servers without additional licensing costs. The license key must contain the hardware keys listed under Configuration » General Settings » License Manager » Requirements. The minimum licensing period is 12 months. The maximum licensing period is 48 months.