Upgrade to 5.4: Step-by-Step

Upgrade steps to Wanguard 5.4 or Wansight 5.4:

  1. Login into the Console, go to Configuration » Components and stop all Sensors and Filters
  2. Logout from the Console by selecting your user menu from the top-right part of the window
  3. Stop the WanSupervisor daemon on all servers:
    service WANsupervisor stop
  4. Stop Apache from the Console server:
    service httpd stop
    service apache stop
    service apache2 stop
  5. Download the packages from the URL found in the email with the trial key.
    On all RedHat/CentOS/SuSE servers upgrade the packages:
    rpm -Uvh *5.4*.rpm
    On all Debian/Ubuntu servers install the packages again, and answer No when asked about overwriting configuration files:
    dpkg -i *5.4*.deb
  6. Start Apache from the Console server:
    service httpd start
    service apache start
    service apache2 start
  7. Clear your browser's cache and login back into the Console
  8. Start the WanSupervisor daemon on all servers:
    service WANsupervisor start
  9. Start all Sensors and Filters from Configuration » Components.
  10. If you encounter any errors, contact support andrisoft.com

Andrisoft Team
Date Created
2014-04-06 22:28:11
Date Updated
2017-11-29 23:58:07