Transferring your Console to a new server
If you want to move your Console to a new server, please follow the following steps.
On your OLD machine:
- Stop all Components (Sensors, Filters, BGP Connectors) from Configuration » Components.
- Stop WANsupervisor:
service WANsupervisor stop
- Backup the database:
/opt/andrisoft/bin/WANmaintenance backup_db
On your NEW machine:
- Install the packages and their dependencies.
- If you had a running Console on this machine, stop all Components (Sensors, Filters, BGP Connectors) from Configuration » Components
- Stop WANsupervisor if it's running:
service WANsupervisor stop
- In case you have a Console set up on this machine, make a backup of its configuration:
/opt/andrisoft/bin/WANmaintenance backup_db
- Copy the backup file from your OLD machine to the NEW machine:
scp -r user@old_machine://opt/andrisoft/tmp/wanguard_backup_from_xxxx-xx-xx.sql /root
- Restore the backup on the new machine:
mysql -p andrisoft < /root/wanguard_backup_from_xxxx-xx-xx.sql
- Go to Configuration » Servers and change the IP Address for each server
- Update the configuration of the Sensors, Filters and BGP Connectors in order to reflect the interfaces and IP addresses of the new machine.
- Start WANsupervisor:
service WANsupervisor start
On any remote server that runs Sensors and/or Filters:
- Update the software packages to the latest version, and execute on each one:
When prompted, provide the new Console IP and database password. -
Restart the WANsupervisor service:
service WANsupervisor restart
Restore configurations:
In case something went wrong, and you need to restore the configurations on the NEW machine:- Stop all Sensors
- Stop the WANsupervisor service:
service WANsupervisor stop
- Restore the initial database:
mysql -p andrisoft
- Start WANsupervisor:
service WANsupervisor start
- Start the Sensors
Copy Graph Files, Packet Dumps, Flow Data:
You can manually copy each of the directories /opt/andrisoft/graphs, /opt/andrisoft/flows, /opt/andrisoft/dumps and their contents to the new server, as long as the ownership of these directories/files is preserved. If you are using InfluxDB, you'll also have to copy its "andrisoft" database to the new server.Author
Andrisoft Team
Andrisoft Team
Date Created
2014-11-27 11:11:08
2014-11-27 11:11:08
Date Updated
2023-10-11 23:32:39
2023-10-11 23:32:39