Changelog for minor software releases

Código Version   Text Date
Improvement-111 6.2-46 Ability to set Sniffer10G options such as SNF_DATARING_SIZE, SNF_DESCRING_SIZE, or SNF_DEBUG_MASK by adding an Environment Variables field in the Myricom Sniffer 10G Options window 2016-11-22
Bugfix-367 8.0-13 Fix for the "Unknown Engine Type" message in Console 2020-09-09
Improvement-112 6.2-46 Getting SNMP data in Console even if the SNMP Port is empty 2016-11-22
Feature-368 8.0-13 Whitelist rules can accept port ranges with syntax port_min:port_max 2020-09-09
Improvement-113 6.2-46 Permit software/hardware firewall rules to be applied only after the confirmation of a Console administrator 2016-11-22
Bugfix-369 8.0-13 Fix the entry for 1 Year in Configuration » General Settings » Data Retention 2020-09-09
Bugfix-114 6.2-47 Empty threshold templates should not be ignored when assigned to a subnet 2016-12-09
Improvement-370 8.0-14 Improve the performance of Console for Guest users 2020-09-23
Improvement-115 6.2-47 Start time of the anomalies will be the start time of the first flow indicating the attack, not the detection time 2016-12-09
Bugfix-371 8.0-14 Fix a minor display issue on Threshold Templates 2020-09-23
Improvement-116 6.2-47 wanconsole package will be dependent on mail-transfer-agent not on sendmail-bin to prevent upgrading issues on Debian and Ubuntu 2016-12-09
Feature-372 8.0-14 Add support for generating packet dumps on TAP/TUN interfaces 2020-09-23
Improvement-117 6.2-47 Anomaly graphs contain a small grey line indicating the rate of packets/bits received by Filter(s) 2016-12-09
Bugfix-373 8.0-14 Fix combo scrolling by mouse wheel on Firefox 2020-09-23
Bugfix-118 6.2-47 Rare reporting bug related to the total number of packets and bits received by Filter 2016-12-09
Improvement-374 8.0-14 Add a new property in REST API for sending extended_community in BGP 2020-09-23
Improvement-119 6.2-47 Initial support for capturing packets with Packet Tracer using Netmap 2016-12-09
Feature-375 8.0-14 Support for storing the user preferences, such as theme and console layout, for non-local users 2020-09-23
Improvement-120 6.2-47 Fix the color scheme for some icons on Chrome and Firefox running on Windows 2016-12-09
Bugfix-376 8.0-15 Rectify the default Burst Sizes for DPDK 19.11 introduced in 8.0 2020-09-26