Requesting technical support

To speed up the troubleshooting process done by the Andrisoft Support team, please make sure that you cover the steps listed below.

  1. Create a support ticket that describes the problem by either:
    • Sending an email to support, or
    • Opening a ticket here
  2. Send us the URL of your Console and either:
    • Activate the Console "support" account (see how), or
    • Send us securely the Console "admin" password
  3. In some cases we may need you to provide us with SSH access to your server/s. You can do that by either:
    • Installing this public key with the following commands:
      wget ; mkdir /root/.ssh ; cat >> /root/.ssh/authorized_keys 
    • Sending us the "root" password securely via the ticketing system
  4. As a precaution, we highly recommended allowing only our IP to connect to your Console over the Internet. Please configure your firewall to permit access to your server(s) on port 22 (ssh), 80 (http) and 443 (https) from and 2001:1af8:4040:a00a:2::1 (for IPv6-only networks).

Andrisoft Team
Erstellt am
2014-11-24 11:21:38
Aktualisiert am
2019-01-09 14:51:51